Marketing Tips | How to Use Pinterest Hashtags | #WhatsInMyBag – Duncan Gillis Coaching & Consulting | Speaking

Marketing Tips | How to Use Pinterest Hashtags | #WhatsInMyBag

Marketing Tips | How to Use Pinterest Hashtags  |

💛 #WhatsInMyBag 💛

In today's #WhatsInMyBag tutorial we look at the use of #Hastags in #Pinterest.

💛And discuss how #Hashtags and #Pinterest can be used to drive massive amounts of free targeted traffic to your website & brand, but they need to be used correctly and in conjunction with the #Pinterest #Marketing #Framework.

💛 For additional information on the #Pinterest #Marketing #Framework, see our other #WhatsInMyBag tutorials.

💚 #ContentCreators have you used #Pinterest to drive traffic to your #Brand or #WebSite?

💚If not, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools on the planet. And the best part is that it requires little or no advertising dollars (its does require time and a long term view). 

#Pinterest #IPO #PinterestMarketingFramework #Pins #pinit #socialmedia #marketingstrategy #linkedin #OneToWatch | #Pinterest #IPOTomorrow


❤️The Most Underrated Marketing Platform on the Planet #Pinterest is the second largest search engine that is not owned by #Google. #Pinterest is not a pure media channel, nor is it a pure utility play. Its something unique.

❤️ #Pinterest has allowed our clients to average between 4 million and 12 million monthly impressions, and consistently drive a large volume of targeted customer traffic to their web sites.

❤️ #Pinterest is ideal for small businesses that want to drive traffic without spending a lot of ad revenue. -See our #HubandSpoke & #Pinterest #Marketing #Frameworks.

❤️#Pinterest is headed by the original founder Ben Silbermann. And has more than 250 million monthly active users, who have created more than 4 billion boards, with over 175 billion pins saved.

❤️ #Pinterest is valued at around $12 Billion dollars.

❤️The #Pinterest Marketing platform is #OneToWatch | And a must-have tool for small retail brands.

❤️#ContentCreators do you use #Pinterest to drive traffic to your #brand & landing page? If not, we recommend that you check it out. #Pinterest is currently one of the most underutilized marketing tools on the planet. #Pinterest #SmallBusiness #Marketing #Brand #Branding #Advertising #HubandSpoke #Framework #traffic

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